Please read the privacy policy carefully before using the my Fuel orders web or mobile application.

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is complementary to, and should be read and understood together with, the general terms and conditions of use set out in Section A above.

1. The General Principles of our Privacy Policy

1.1. This privacy policy covers how we treat your personal information collected electronically when you use the Site/App, register or apply online for any My Fuel Orders products or services, or when you contact My Fuel Orders electronically.

1.2. My Fuel Orders respects your privacy and your personal information and for this reason, we take care to protect your personal information and to keep it confidential.

1.3. When dealing with your personal information we apply the following:

1.3.1. My Fuel Orders will only disclose, collate and process (“use”) your personal information with your express written permission unless we are legally required to do so.;

1.3.2. My Fuel Orders will not use your personal information for any other purpose, other than that which we disclosed to you, unless you give My Fuel Orders your express written permission to do so, or unless My Fuel Orders is permitted or required to do so by law

1.4. By using the Site/App, registering or applying online for any My Fuel Orders products or services, or contacting My Fuel Orders electronically, you confirm that we may share your information within My Fuel Orders or affiliated or subsidiary companies for administration and fraud prevention purposes.

2. What do we mean by Personal Information

2.1. Personal information refers to information that identifies or relates specifically to you, for example, your name, identity/registration number, trade history, credit score or any information you use to register for the website/App.

3. How we collect your Personal Information

3.1. Whenever you use the Site/App, complete an application form, contact My Fuel Orders electronically, or use one of the products, services, facilities, tools or utilities offered by My Fuel Orders on the Site/App, My Fuel Orders will collect your personal information.

4. Why we collect and use Personal Information

4.1. In order to make your use of the Site/App and the products, services, facilities, tools or utilities offered on the Site/App as informative and successful as possible, it is necessary for My Fuel Orders to find out exactly what you need and want. The following are some of the reasons why My Fuel Orders would collect your personal information:

4.1.1. for My Fuel Orders to process your instructions or orders; or

4.1.2. for My Fuel Orders to ensure that we meet your needs, My Fuel Orders may collect and analyse your personal information and combine all the information that we have about you for research and statistical purposes. We may also use your personal information to personalise and tailor our services to meet your needs; or

4.1.3. once My Fuel Orders has collected and analysed your personal information, My Fuel Orders may send you promotional material or details which we think may be of interest to you.

4.1.4. to conduct market research;

4.2. Your privacy is important to us and we will therefore not sell, rent or provide your personal information to unauthorised third parties for their independent use, without your consent. If at any stage after you have given My Fuel Orders your consent you no longer wish My Fuel Orders to use or share your personal information, you may at any stage withdraw your consent.

4.3. You accept that we may store your personal information outside of the region or country that you may submit or use it in.

5. Protection of your Personal Information

5.1. My Fuel Orders values the information that you choose to provide and will take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from loss, misuse or unauthorised alteration. The information My Fuel Orders has concerning its customers is stored in databases that have built-in safeguards to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of that information.

5.2. When you use the products, services, facilities, tools or utilities provided by My Fuel Orders on the Site/App, you may be given an access number, user name, password and/or personal identification number (PIN). You must always keep your user name, access card, password and/or PIN a secret and ensure that you do not disclose it to anyone.

6. Correction of Personal Information

6.1. If you ever want to update or correct any of your personal information held by My Fuel Orders, you can e-mail us on

7. Personal Information held by or disclosed by you or My Fuel Orders to a third party

7.1. Because My Fuel Orders is not responsible for any representations or information or warranties or content on any third party website (including third party websites, App linked to this website, websites facilitated by us or websites that serve as social networks like Facebook or Twitter), My Fuel Orders does not exercise control over the privacy policies of these third parties and you should refer to the privacy policy of these third parties to see how they protect your privacy.

7.2. My Fuel Orders may enter into arrangements with its partners and other third party suppliers in order for them to provide services to you. Those arrangements may require us to disclose your personal information to them, whether in person or by means of any website/s or the My Fuel Orders App. You hereby consent to My Fuel Orders disclosing your personal information to those partners and third parties for this purpose and you also consent to receiving data about yourself from them. If at any time, after you have given My Fuel Orders your consent, you no longer wish to have your personal information disclosed to these partners or third parties, you may withdraw your consent.

8. Cookies and Online advertising

8.1. My Fuel Orders uses cookies. We use the word “cookie” to refer to information that is sent from the Site/App to your hard drive, where it is saved. In this way, the next time you use the Site/App, My Fuel Orders will know who you are and that you have visited the Site/App before. We also collect information about how you use the website/App, your preferences and past browsing history.

8.2. The third parties may collect and use information about My Fuel Orders customers to help us understand the offers, promotions, products and types of advertising that are most appealing to our customers. The personal information they collect is aggregated and cannot be linked to a person.

8.3. Third party vendors, including Google, show My Fuel Orders ads on sites on the internet.

8.3.1. Third party vendors, including Google, use cookies to offer adverts based on a user's prior visits to My Fuel Order’s website/App.

8.3.2. Users may opt out of Google’s use of cookies by visiting the Google advertising opt-out page.

9. Changes to this Privacy Policy

9.1. My Fuel Orders may amend this privacy policy from time to time. We will give you notice of any material changes within a reasonable time, however, we recommend that you familiarise yourself with this privacy policy regularly.

9.2. The current version of this privacy policy will govern the respective rights and obligations between you and My Fuel Orders each time that you access and use the Site/App.

10. Which laws apply to this Privacy Policy

10.1. This privacy policy is governed by the laws of the Republic of South Africa, and you consent to the jurisdiction of the South African courts in respect of any dispute which may arise out of or in connection with the formation, interpretation, substance or application of this privacy policy.